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D.C. Chapter Member Wins National Sierra Club Award

SAN FRANCISCO - Sept. 15, 2001 - Washington, D.C., Chapter member Jim Dougherty was among those receiving national awards from the Sierra Club this year.

Dougherty received the Walter Starr Award, which is given to former members of the Sierra Club's Board of Directors who remain active in the club. Dougherty served on the Sierra Club Board of Directors from 1989-1992.

Since retiring from the board, he has been active in the Washington, D.C., Chapter, championing some of the district's most visible and challenging campaigns. He served as the chapter's conservation chair for two years and has served as its legal chair for the past four years. He also has served on the National Legal Committee for the past 11 years and was recently appointed to the Club's Conservation Governance Committee.

"There are few volunteers who have demonstrated the level of commitment to the Club and the environment that Jim has over the last decade," said Chapter ExComm member Brenda Moorman, who nominated Dougherty for the award.

"Without his passion, his knowledge and his political skills, the Washington, D.C., Chapter would not be nearly as effective as it is today."

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