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Loma Prieta Member Receives National Sierra Club Award

SAN FRANCISCO - Sept. 15, 2001 - Loma Prieta Chapter member Rich Johns was among those receiving national awards from the Sierra Club this year.

Johns received a Special Service Award for helping run and maintain the Club's Clair Tappaan Lodge more than 20 years. Johns served as chair of the Clair Tappaan Lodge Committee from 1983-1990 and has been a member of that committee for many additional years. He has done carpentry, plastering, painting, plumbing, tile work, roofing and electrical work on the lodge as well as planned several lodge changes and additions.

"There probably isn't a single portion of that lodge that hasn't benefited from Rich's handiwork at some point," said Mary Bernstein, current chair of the Clair Tappaan Lodge Committee. "Rich is an example of volunteerism at its finest."

Johns also has taught cross-country skiing to guests at the lodge and now leads family hikes with his daughter, Emma. He proposed to his wife, Susan, at the lodge at Christmas 1981.

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