the john muir exhibit - john_muir_day_study_guide - national park service goals for yosemite
National Park Service Goals for Yosemite
National Park Service Mission
"To conserve the scenery and the natural and historic objects and the wildlife
therein and to provide for the enjoyment of the same in such manner and by such
means as will leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations."
(from the 1916 Organic Act)
National Park Service 1980 -- General Management Plan Goals
Reclaim Natural Beauty
Yosemite is too valuable to use for administration, maintenance, parking, or
any commercial services that do not contribute directly to a quality park
experience. All facilities not contributing directly to a quality park
experience, including non-essential staff housing, office space, National Park
Service and concessionaire headquarters are to be removed.
Markedly Reduce Traffic Congestion
The single greatest threat to the enjoyment of the natural and scenic qualities
of Yosemite is automobile traffic. The ultimate goal of the National Park
Service is to "remove all private vehicles from Yosemite Valley" and substitute
public transportation.
Promote Visitor Understanding and Enjoyment
The amount and kinds of information and traditional interpretive programs for
visitors should greatly increase. Creative audiovisual programs and park
displays will help visitors to understand the processes and events that have
shaped Yosemite's natural features and the relationship of our cultural values
to preservation of the park.
Reduce Crowding
Relocate most visitor facilities outside the national park, where local
businesses can compete for visitor dollars, in the best spirit of the American
free enterprise system. Allow visitors to tour the Park for the beauty of the
natural wonders, not because they are attracted to concession activities, food
services, or "profit centers."
Allow Natural Processes to Prevail
The primary objective of natural resource management is to restore and
perpetuate the natural processes of the park's ecosystems, recognizing that
Yosemite is a dynamic natural system of interrelated and evolving forms, and
not a static accumulation of geologic and biologic features. In developed areas
like the Valley, facilities should be removed from floodplains and geologic
hazard areas in deference to these natural phenomena.
National Park Service General Management Plan Examination Report
In a review, published in August 1990, of the status of implementing the 1980
General Management Plan, the NPS received 19,035 letters and comments from
individuals. Of these responses, over 54% supported the 1980 GMP as is, 10%
asked for revisions, and 37% had no opinion. As to transportation, while two
individuals stated that more cars and congestion were acceptable to them, 37%
preferred fewer cars and less congestion, and 13% believed existing levels are
National Park Service Task Directive (March, 1993)
In a Yosemite Valley Implementation Plan, the NPS will, with
public involvement, create "a
detailed zoning plan for Yosemite Valley
will provide more definition than the zoning included in the 1980 GMP, a
cultural landscape plan, a transportation plan, and an analysis to determine
what essential functions must remain in the Valley. All existing and approved
plans for Yosemite Valley will be used as planning constraints and will not be
substantially altered by the new plan.
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