Travel Insurance

We strongly encourage you to purchase travel insurance to cover cancellation fees associated with a trip as well as airfare or other nonrefundable expenses in the event you need to cancel; medical expenses incurred on a trip; and the cost of a possible medical evacuation from a trip.

Travel insurance plans are available from USI Travel Insurance Services, although you are welcome to explore other options as well. Please note that USI will allow you to purchase coverage any time before your trip, but in order to ensure time-sensitive benefits (Cancellation and Interruption for Any Reason, Pre-Existing Medical Condition Exclusion Waiver), your payment must be received 14 days after being accepted by the trip leader; other insurance companies may begin the clock immediately upon placing your trip reservation/deposit. If you are traveling from Canada, you will find custom insurance packages here.

Feel free to contact USI Travel Insurance Services if you have questions on this policy or its coverage as Sierra Club Outings is not equipped to provide specific answers to questions on the program. You may also view a list of frequently-asked-questions from USI.

The Sierra Club provides evacuation insurance to all participants on international trips. Since this coverage does not include any trip cancellation or interruption insurance, we suggest you purchase another policy separately to provide coverage for your trip and other travel costs. This policy also does not cover pre-trip and post-trip travel. Please note the evacuation insurance provided does not cover claims resulting from any pre-existing condition that occurs within 60 days of the trip departure. If you have specific questions about this exclusion, please review the insurance brochure.