Sierra Club: The Planet-- 1996
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The Planet
Earth Week

According to polls, four of every five Americans consider themselves environmentalists. Now is the time to ask our fellow citizens to take the next step by demonstrating their support for environmental protection.

The Club will be reaching out into communities and forging coalitions as part of a long-range plan to educate the public about the importance of environmental protection and what is at risk when those protections are threatened.

The kick-off for this mobilization will be the start of Earth Week, April 13, when we'll join with our coalition partners and blanket the nation with more than a million doorhangers in the week leading up to Earth Day, April 22.

On one side, the red, white and blue doorhangers will bear our campaign message, ÒProtect America's Environment: For Our Families, For Our Future." On the other, residents will be alerted to a pressing conservation issue affecting their region. Included will be a postcard to send to President Clinton urging him to defend our wilderness and wildlife, and to continue to speak out in defense of the laws that protect our health, our families, our environment and our future. Everyone who participates in Earth Week 1996 should be encouraged, motivated and equipped to take this message out into their community, either before or after they gather at a rally, concert or teach-in. "We need to start talking not only to card-carrying environmentalists but to our neighbors," said Bruce Hamilton, the Club's national conservation director. "The aim is to raise public awareness and make 1996 the 'Year of the Environment.'"

The campaign message is one that should become increasingly familiar to the public between now and the end of summer. It is the umbrella message of a comprehensive Sierra Club educational campaign -- and one that the Club will broadcast widely in radio and television ads. We hope this campaign will help set the tone on the environment for years to come.

We also hope to build a base of volunteers who care about the environment, and who will reach out into their communities and educate their neighbors. These volunteers will be the catalyst for broadening our support as we enter the critical phase of public education and awareness needed to make the environment a central issue in 1996 and beyond.

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