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DOWNSIZE ME | Giga-Living in Nano Houses

Text by M.P. Klier

Sebastian Salopiata

5 of 8

Roll-It (6 feet 6 inches in diameter by 10 feet long)
Institute of Design and Construction Engineering, University of Karlsruhe, Germany

Lock, stock, and home. In most houses, you walk along a hallway to reach various rooms. In the ingenious Roll-It, designed by architecture students, you tread upon the central, window-filled "corridor" until the rooms come to you. The bed, chair, and desk are built in on one end; the sink, cooktop, and toilet on the other. Once you've positioned your desired furniture arrangement, the unit can be locked in place. Yes, the term "hamster wheel" has been bandied about, but so has "guerrilla housing." If you don't like the lay of the land, you can barrel onward.

This article has been corrected: Nano House cited Roll-It's circumference as 6 feet 6 inches, not its diameter.


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