Sierra Magazine: Explore, enjoy and protect the planet.
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ENJOY | The Green Life

By Avital Binshtock Andrews

Pure Refreshment | Trendsetter: Natalie Coughlin | Travel Light | Heirloom Boom

Pure Refreshment

You've been told a thousand times not to buy bottled water. But you're on the road and parched, your Hydro Flask is empty, and the gas station's drinking fountain looks like a urinal. On top of that, you want something tasty. Good news: You can douse your thirst—and your guilt—with these eco-suggestions from our panel of beverage experts.

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RAY LACORTE is the head of operations at Choice Organic Teas, the first U.S. tea company to produce fair-trade-certified teas, as well as to earn non-GMO verification.

"When I need a cool, refreshing drink to give me a boost, the Pure Empower Mint flavor from GUAYAKí YERBA MATE is easily my first choice. It offers up a smooth, thirst-quenching blend of yerba mate and fresh mint while providing a balanced caffeine fix. Guayakí has received awards for its sustainability practices, and this flavor is certified organic and fair-trade." $1.50 to $3.25 for 16 ounces

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Photo by Lori Eanes

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