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The Daily Ray of Hope: 2012 Highlights

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Howard Ignatius
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Howard Ignatius, a retired high-tech marketing executive from Morro Bay, California, took this photo of Crater Lake in Oregon after a June snowfall. He used a Nikon D4 on a tripod with a 24–70mm f/2.8 lens. The five-shot high-dynamic-range image was post-processed in Lightroom and Photomatix Pro software. Ignatius shares his love of photography with others through teaching and community service. "My wife, Barb, and I were co-chairs this year for a nonprofit photography event called the Morrow Photo Expo. Most committee members, organizers, instructors, and facilitators are volunteers who share a strong sense of community, a passion for photography, and a love of our area's abundant natural beauty," Ignatius says. "This year, we raised over $8,000 for scholarships and cameras for local high school students, and we purchased equipment for a wildlife educational program run by the Morro Bay Natural History Museum."


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