the john muir exhibit - geography - indiana - indiana state historical marker
State Historical Marker
Indianapolis, Indiana
Title: John Muir in Indianapolis
Location: Former site of Osgood, Smith & Co.,
Illinois & Merrill
Streets on grassy triangle, Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana.

ID Number: 49.2004.2
Marker Text:
Side One: Born 1838 in Dunbar, Scotland, Muir moved
to the U.S. with his family, settling in Wisconsin 1849. As a youth,
he became interested in nature and mechanical inventions. He attended
the University of Wisconsin and was consumed with an interest in botany.
In 1866, he came to Indianapolis and worked at a carriage materials
factory located here.
Side Two: Following a severe eye
injury, Muir left Indianapolis September 1867 to begin extensive travels,
which ended in California March 1868. His deep friendship with Catharine
Merrill and others, however, resulted in a lifelong connection
with Indianapolis. Muir co-founded the Sierra Club 1892 and was president
until he died December 24, 1914.
Historical Background and References:
- John Muir in Indanapolis - Extended information about Muir in Indianapolis on the John Muir Global Network
- Text Annotation by Indiana Historical
Bureau - background references
and citations for the marker.
- John
Muir in Indiana (PDF) by Harold W. Wood, Jr. - required
research paper submitted to Indiana Historical Bureau in support
of the Sierra Club Hoosier Chapter request for a commemorative
historical plaque in Indianapolis.
- John
Muir Remembered in Indiana with New Historical Marker by Lori Hazlett, The Indiana Sierran, (Fall, 2004)
Credits: Marker was installed in July, 2004
by Indiana
Historical Bureau, with funding from Sierra
Club Hoosier Chapter, and Various Donors. Photo courtesy of Indiana
Historical Bureau.
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