the john muir exhibit - john_muir_day - ca assembly bill 476
Assembly Bill 476 (1989) Establishes John Muir Day
Assembly Bill No. 476
Chapter 833
An act to add Section 37222.5 to the Education Code, and to add Section 6714 to
the Government Code, relating to John Muir Day.
[Approved by Governor September 25, 1989. Filed with Secretary of State
September 26, 1989.]
AB 476, Campbell. John Muir Day.
Existing law requires the Governor to proclaim certain days of the year as
days to give particular attention to certain persons or events.
This bill would require that the Governor proclaim April 21st as
"John Muir Day."
This bill would encourage all public schools and educational institutions to
hold suitable exercises commemorating John Muir Day.
The people of the State of California do enact as follows:
SECTION 1. Section 37222.5 is added to the Education Code, to read:
37222.5. All public schools and educational institutions, on April 21st of
each year, which is the anniversary of the birth of John Muir,
are encouraged to hold suitable exercises that stress the importance
that an ecologically sound natural environment plays in the quality of life for
all of us, and to emphasize John Muir's significant contributions to the
fostering of that awareness and the indelible mark he left on the State of
SECTION 2. Section 6714 is added to the Government Code, to read:
6714. The Governor annually shall proclaim April 21st to be "John Muir Day."
[Note: Subsequent to the passage of AB 476, the language of
section 1 above was moved for awhile to
California Education Code
Section 37222 (a)(2) and (b)(2)
, and later to Education Code Section 27222.11.
Source: California Legislative Counsel website: