Statement by Carl Pope, Sierra Club Executive Director on Sierra Club's Opposition to Prop. 187

October 6, 1994

The Sierra Club opposes Proposition 187 because it is wrong , because it is stupid , because it is counterproductive. Proposition 187 is wrong.

It is wrong to hire parents to work for us and then turn their children away from school.

Proposition 187 is stupid. The last thing we need is more sick Californians, more children without innoculation, more patients in crisis in our emergency rooms. The last thing we need in our neighborhoods is more children out of school without adult supervision running loose and without hope.

Proposition 187 is counterproductive; it won't reduce illegal immigration. People do not come to California so that they can send their children to school in a foreign language. They come to work.

They do not come to work for little green men from Mars. They come to work for Californians.

Proposition 187 does nothing about the fact that thousands of California businesses and hundreds of thousands of Californians hire workers in violation of our laws and provide the jobs that encourage them to come.