Last fall, the Club's Board of Directors voted to make one of its top
conservation priorities for 1997-98 to "protect and restore America's forests by
reforming national and state forest laws, policies and practices."
The Club's forest campaign is centered around three themes: keeping roadless
areas unspoiled; protecting watersheds; and making the U.S. Forest Service, the
agency responsible for managing our national forests, accountable.
In this special Planet report, we look at this campaign from several different
angles. First, below, is a brief overview of the Sierra Club's approach to
forest reform. On pages 4 and 5 we examine the
effort to stop all commercial
logging on national forests,
spotlight grassroots activists working to protect
national forests in their communities,
and review how far (or not so far) we've
come since forest preserves were first established a century ago.
We also expose
the "forest health" hoax
that our opponents are hiding behind in their latest
attempts to keep the board feet coming.
On page 6, we look at
how the Club is
working at the state level to protect forests
how Club members can get
involved in all of these efforts.
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