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Meet Our Newest National Monuments

Clinton’s List

These national monuments were established or expanded by presidential proclamation between September 1996 and January 2001.

  • Agua Fria, Arizona: 71,100 acres
  • President Lincoln and Soldiers’ Home, District of Columbia: 2.3 acres
  • Buck Island Reef, U.S. Virgin Islands: 18,100 acres*
  • California Coastal: N/A†
  • Canyons of the Ancients, Colorado: 163,800 acres
  • Carrizo Plain, California: 246,500 acres
  • Cascade-Siskiyou, Oregon: 52,000 acres
  • Craters of the Moon, Idaho: 714,400 acres*
  • Giant Sequoia, California: 327,800 acres
  • Governors Island, New York: 20 acres
  • Grand Canyon–Parashant, Arizona: 1,014,000 acres
  • Grand Staircase–Escalante, Utah: 1,900,000 acres
  • Hanford Reach, Washington: 195,000 acres
  • Ironwood Forest, Arizona: 128,900 acres
  • Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks, New Mexico: 4,100 acres
  • Minidoka Internment, Idaho: 73 acres
  • Pinnacles, California: 24,200 acres*
  • Pompeys Pillar, Montana: 51 acres
  • Sonoran Desert, Arizona: 486,100 acres
  • Upper Missouri River Breaks, Montana: 377,300 acres
  • U.S. Virgin Islands Coral Reef: 12,700 acres
  • Vermilion Cliffs, Arizona: 294,000 acres
  • * indicates expansion of an existing monument; total acreage is given. † Monument consists of offshore rocks, islands, and reefs along the state’s 840-mile coastline.

    Sonoran Desert, Arizona
    In the summer the ground can get as hot as 180 degrees and not a single perennial stream flows, yet the Sonoran Desert in southcentral Arizona is the most biologically diverse desert in North America. Bighorn sheep navigate its rocks, Mexican poppies bloom in spring, venomous Gila monsters scuttle through the sand, and red-tailed hawks nest in the prickly limbs of the saguaro cactus.

    Perhaps the most recognizable inhabitant of the Sonoran, the saguaro evolved in the tropics and migrated to the desert after the last ice age, more than 10,000 years ago. An individual plant may be 50 years old before it begins to flower and grow its distinctive arms, a measured pace that seems somehow suited to the serenity felt by those who come to enjoy the nearly half-million-acre national monument.

    California Coastal, CA
    Virtually every view westward from the Golden State’s fabled shoreline now takes in the new California Coastal National Monument. That’s because the park runs the entire length of its 840-mile coast between Oregon and Mexico, encompassing thousands of islands, rocks, exposed reefs, and pinnacles above mean high tide. We gain much more than panoramic photographs from the new designation: The thousands of rocky outposts provide feeding and nesting habitat for throngs of seabirds, including the endangered California least tern and the brown pelican. (Development on the mainland has forced many seabirds that once fed and nested in the coastal ecosystem to retreat to these offshore sanctuaries.) The threatened southern sea otter and other mammals also benefit from the protection.

    Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks, New Mexico
    Not far from the commercial buzz of Santa Fe, you’ll find the Southwest in its natural splendor. Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument’s sometimes eerie, sometimes fanciful geologic formations delight hikers. Rich in pumice, ash, and tuff deposits, the conical formations are the products of explosive volcanic eruptions that occurred between 6 and 7 million years ago.

    Cascade-Siskiyou, Oregon
    Mountain ranges and climate patterns meet at Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument in southern Oregon, making the place a biological crossroads. The monument has a mix of the vegetation types found in the Great Basin, Cascades, and Klamath Mountains. Animals typically found east of the Cascades, such as pygmy nuthatches and kangaroo rats, share habitat with western species like rough-skinned newts and northern spotted owls. One of the monument’s most striking features is Pilot Rock (shown here), the remnant of an ancient volcano.

    Carrizo Plain, CA
    Carrizo Plain National Monument is the largest remaining wild tract of California’s San Joaquin Valley region—one of the nation’s most intensively farmed areas. Its quarter-million acres provide intact habitat for many endangered, threatened, and rare species of animals such as the San Joaquin kit fox, the blunt-nosed leopard lizard, and the giant kangaroo rat, and shelter many listed plant species including the California jewelflower, Hoover’s wooly star, and San Joaquin wooly-threads. The last refuge for wild California condors and now an important reintroduction site, Carrizo Plain was also the first area in the state to reintroduce the pronghorn antelope and the Tule elk, which had been hunted to local extinction by the late 1800s.

    Grand Canyon–Parashant, Arizona
    Gaze into Arizona’s Grand Canyon–Parashant National Monument and it’s easy to see why this million-acre park is often compared to its more famous next-door neighbor, Grand Canyon National Park. Before being set aside as a monument, the area’s plunging canyons and lonely buttes were threatened by mineral development.

    Upper Missouri River Breaks, Montana
    A Barge Rock keeps watch on the banks of the Missouri in the newly designated Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument in central Montana. Some 150 miles of prime riverfront and adjacent Breaks—the intricately eroded, or broken, landscape—have been protected. Future generations will enjoy terrain that looks much as it did when Lewis and Clark traveled through with their Corps of Discovery nearly 200 years ago.

    Giant Sequoia, California
    These giant sequoias clearly are the work of the ages. They grow taller than the Statue of Liberty, broader than a bus, they are the largest living things on this Earth; so perfectly adapted to their environment that one has never been known to die of old age. . . . They began when America was not even imagined, and Europe was in the Dark Ages.”

    With these words, President Clinton proclaimed 327,800 acres in California’s Sierra Nevada as Giant Sequoia National Monument, a refuge for a magnificent species whose ancestors once grew all over North America. In days gone by, Paiute and Shoshone Indians tried to tap the hardy trees’ power by drinking their sap. Today, hikers, campers, horseback riders, fishers, hunters, and skiers can take in their majesty simply by gazing up 300 feet to the tops of the towering trees that Sierra Club founder John Muir sought to protect more than 100 years ago.

    Grand Staircase–Escalante, Utah
    President Clinton designated the 1.9-million-acre Grand Staircase–Escalante National Monument in 1996 in part to foil industry attempts to dig a huge coal mine on Kaiparowits Plateau. Under cover of the current energy crisis, Representative Jim Hansen (R-Utah) is trying to revive the coal scheme, which would threaten the spectacular redrock landscape and its longtime residents, among them mountain lions, bears, peregrine falcons, and bald eagles. The monument’s multicolored cliffs, steep canyons, broad plateaus, and delicate rock forms such as Sunset Arch (above) were the last tract of the continental United States to be mapped. So there’s still plenty to discover in this remote southern section of Utah, including ancient fossils and rock art dating back 4,000 years.

    Pinnacles, California
    Over the years, Pinnacles National Monument in central California has been expanded five times by presidents and once by Congress. Bill Clinton was the most recent commander in chief to be smitten by the monument’s spire-like rock formations; in early 2000 he enlarged the park by 50 percent to 24,200 acres. The added acreage includes sections of the geologic faults that created the park’s startling shapes as well as some of the headwaters of the monument basin. It also provides breathing room for raptors such as prairie falcons, golden eagles, and red-tailed hawks.

    Ironwood Forest, Arizona
    The ink was barely dry on the designation of Ironwood Forest National Monument in Arizona when the conservation battle began. ASARCO, a copper-mining company, has asked that over 400 acres be removed from the new park so that it can expand operations. This acreage is a prime birthing area for the last viable population of desert bighorn sheep in Pima County. A new power plant has been planned near the Ironwood Forest, and the proposed Arizona-Sonora Interconnect power-line project may pass through the monument. The Sierra Club and other environmental groups are working to protect the site, which includes Ragged Top (shown here) and the Silver Bell and Sawtooth Mountains, and contains one of the richest stands of ironwood trees in the Sonoran Desert—all close to sprawling Phoenix and Tucson.

    Craters of the Moon, Idaho
    In late 2000, President Bill Clinton greatly expanded Idaho’s Craters of the Moon National Monument, from 53,000 to 714,400 acres. The park’s main lava field covers 395,000 acres (with 60 different lava flows) and is the largest young basaltic lava field in the Lower 48; in addition, Craters boasts more than 25 volcanic cones. The monument now includes the entire “Great Rift” volcanic zone, with the exposed lava of the original monument, designated in 1924, as centerpiece.

    Vermilion Cliffs, Arizona
    Fields of rough mules ears soften the austere landscape of Coyote Buttes in Vermilion Cliffs National Monument. On the Colorado Plateau in northern Arizona, this new monument includes the Paria River Canyon and brilliant Vermilion Cliffs, which were first protected as a wilderness area in 1984. The earliest known hunters and gatherers traveled the area 12,000 or so years ago. More recently, famed explorer John Wesley Powell passed through what would become the monument in 1871.

    Canyons of the Ancients, Colorado
    Lowry Pueblo is just one of the many gems in Canyons of the Ancients National Monument in Colorado, home to the highest known density of archaeological sites anywhere in the United States. Though discussions about protecting the area date back to 1894, it took a presidential proclamation in 2000 to grant Canyons of the Ancients permanent park status. By then, oil and gas development had begun; existing leases will be honored in the new park.

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