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John Muir Memorial Marker

John Muir Memorial Park at Fountain Lake, Wisconsin

[photo of John Muir marker] Larger version of this photograph (filesize = 44 kilobytes)

The text on the marker reads:

Foster son of Wisconsin
born in Scotland
April 21, 1838

He came to America as a lad of eleven, spent his 'teen years in hard work clearing the farm across this lake, carving out a home in the wilderness. In the "sunny woods, overlooking a flowery glacial meadow and a lake rimmed with water lilies," he found an environment that fanned the fire of his zeal and love for all nature, which, as a man, drove him to study, afoot, alone and unafraid, the forests, mountains and glaciers of the west to become the most rug-ged, fervent naturalist America has produced, and the father of the national parks of our country.

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