"Sean Cosgrove in the Sierra Club's Washington office is my environmental hero. As a member of the End Commercial Logging Committee, I have had frequent contact with him and he constantly amazes me with his knowledge of Congressional members-who they are and how they have voted on various issues. Sean is our national forest expert and he is doing a terrific job of helping our committee be effective."
-Gerald Neff, Chair,
Eagle View Group,
Iowa Chapter
"Bob Warrick, a Nebraska farmer (see his photo in the May/June Sierra) and Tom Brown, a Nebraska rancher. They have given time, energy, and money to the Sierra Club and the Nebraska Chapter way beyond the call of duty for the last 20-plus years."
-Clayton Brant
Newsletter Editor,
Nebraska Chapter
"I am reasonably sure that I don't have one, except perhaps nature itself. I have been impressed by the intelligence and dedication of a number of local activists over the years, but no one stands out as 'heroic'-in fact, I am suspicious of heroes because they tend to burn out quickly."
-Kirk Cunningham, Conservation Chair,
Rocky Mountain Chapter
Want to contribute?
Send us your answers to the following questions: What is the most important element of a successful rally? How do you celebrate victories? To share advice or stories, send them to "Natural Resources," The Planet, Sierra Club, 85 Second St., Second Floor, San Francisco, CA, 94105 or planet@sierraclub.org.
Deadline: November 1
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