Judge to Justice Department: Stop Stonewalling
To find out how much influence power-company executives had on the Bush administration's energy plan, the Sierra Club and Judicial Watch have sued to gain access to documents from Vice President Cheney's Energy Task Force. So far the Justice Department has refused to comply with a judge's orders to release the documents, claiming that the White House is immune from discovery. After Justice Department lawyers admitted in October that they hadn't even read all of the documents they are trying to withhold, the judge ordered the government to release the documents by November 5. To learn more about what it will take to achieve a sound energy plan, visit www.sierraclub.org/energy.
Polluters Should Pay
The original Superfund toxic cleanup law was based on two simple propositions. First, hazardous waste sites should be quickly and thoroughly cleaned up. Second, polluters, not innocent taxpayers, should pay for it. But the polluter-pays tax expired in 1995 and taxpayers have been burdened with an increasing share of the cleanup costs. S. 2596 and H. 4060 would ensure that the intent of the Superfund law remains intact. To tell your senators and representatives to hold corporate polluters accountable, go to www.sierraclub.org/action/?alid=172.
Lame Duck Danger?
The elections are over, but the 107th Congress is not. In its lame duck session in November, it has to pass appropriations bills to keep the government running and may also take up the energy bill, which the Sierra Club opposes. To learn the latest and find out what you can do to support environmental protection, please go to http://whistler.sierraclub.org/action/actionindex.jsp.
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