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Primary Sources for John Muir's writings - Browse or Search online - This guide provides Finding Aids for the University of the Pacific Holt-Atherton Library Special Collections and finding primary sources of John Muir's writings.
Muir, John,
John Muir in His Own Words
Edited by Peter Browning.
(Lafayette, CA: Great West Books,
This book of quotations is organized into thirteen broad chapters,
and in roughly chronological order within these chapters;
chapter titles include,
"Going to the Mountains",
"Tourists and Development",
and "Everyone Needs Beauty".
Includes a detailed index
Kimes, William F.
and Maymie B.,
John Muir: A Reading Bibliography
Second Edition.
(Davis, CA: Panorama West Publishing,
This book is a complete reference of Muir's published work,
beginning with his first published letter in December 1866
for the
Boston Recorder
on "The Calypso Borealis"
and ending with the entry for the John Muir Papers .
A book review of this book is available.
A searchable online index of this book is now available online from the Holt-Atherton Library.
Limbaugh, Ronald H.
Kirsten E. Lewis,
The John Muir Papers,
1858-1957 MICROFORM,
(Stockton, CA: University of the Pacific
With accompanying Guide
(Alexandria, Virginia: Chadwyk Healey,
With 40 copies in libraries throughout the United States,
and available to scholars through interlibrary loan,
this is the complete collection of all extant Muir correspondence,
manuscripts, notes, and illustrations.
See John Muir Collections, University of the Pacific
You can volunteer to help transcribe John Muir's journals.
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