Think turnout in congressional elections is low? It's even lower for Sierra Club elections -- in recent years, only about 10 percent of Club members have voted for the national Board of Directors.
You can help change that.
The Club is a democratically structured organization that requires the regular exchange of views on policy and priorities from its grassroots membership in order to function effectively. The national Board sets Club policy and budgets at the national level and works closely with the staff to run the Club. The more members who vote in the elections, the more likely those elected will represent the members.
In March, members will receive a ballot in the mail which includes information on the Board candidates.
Some members say they don't know enough about the candidates to cast a meaningful vote. To find out more, click here, where you can see candidate responses to questions posted by various Club members.
And don't forget you can cast your vote electronically on the secure site of the election firm; consult your printed ballot for information on on-line voting.
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