- sierra magazine - September/October 2009 - up to speed

Up to Speed: Two Months, One Page
President Barack Obama's 2010 budget provides $178 million for comprehensive sex education while nixing funding for abstinence-only programs.
Young mother Bristol Palin tells People magazine that "if girls realized the consequences of sex, nobody would be having sex. Trust me. Nobody."
After Obama and U.S. automakers agree to increase U.S. fuel-economy averages to 35.5 mpg by 2016, China says it will increase its fuel standard to 42.2 mpg by 2015.
Obama eliminates funding for the development of hydrogen fuel cell cars.
Of the hundreds of hydrogen fueling stations California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) promised for his state by 2010, only 25 are in operation.
Even if they can find fuel, Californians May Not be driving their hydrogen cars to state parks--Schwarzenegger proposes closing 11 of them because of
the state's budget crisis.
The EPA issues a final ban of the pesticide carbofuran, which has killed millions of wild birds since its introduction in 1967.
For the first time since Superfund's creation in 1980, the EPA declares a public health emergency--in Libby, Montana, where hundreds of people have died from lung disease caused by asbestos from a mine operated by W. R. Grace and Company.
Twenty-five years after a 197-mile stretch of the Hudson River was declared a Superfund site, dredging starts to remove 124 tons of highly toxic PCB. General Electric, which dumped the chemical into the river over 30 years, is footing the bill.
The Supreme Court rules that the Clean Water Act allows Couer Alaska's Kensington gold mine to dump its toxic tailings in Lower Slate Lake, killing everything in it.
Royal Dutch Shell finally settles a long-running suit with the son of Nigerian environmental activist Ken Saro-Wiwa and others over the 1995 executions of Saro-Wiwa and eight additional Ogoni leaders who protested oil drilling in the Niger Delta. Shell will pay damages of $15.5 million.
Photos and illustrations, from top: iStockphoto/digital_eye, iStockphoto/andrew_howe, iStockphoto/oscargalway, Lori Eanes, i/Stockphoto/emferr