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John Muir at Mirror Lake,  Yosemite

Also of Interest:

JYosemite Conservation Heritage Center - formerly LeConte Memorial Lodgeohn Muir's early experiences in Yosemite Valley gave rise to the Sierra Club. Built in 1904, the Yosemite Conservation Heritage Center is a Sierra Club library and education program that has inspired a deep abiding conservation ethic and love for wilderness adventure and preservation for generations of visitors.

John Muir and the California Quarter

John Muir (1838-1914) was America's most famous and influential naturalist and conservationist, and a founder of the Sierra Club. This website, started in 1994, known as the "John Muir Exhibit" features his life and contributions.


The John Muir Exhibit is a virtual museum providing resources and information about John Muir, past and present. Its contents do not necessarily represent the viewpoint of the Sierra Club.


Browse the links below for all things Muir. For the most recent features of this website, see the What's New section.


See also what we and other Muir enthusiasts are sharing on the John Muir Fans Facebook Group.

John Muir Quote of the Day

"None of Nature's landscapes are ugly so long as they are wild."

Getting Started

This site is maintained by volunteer webmaster and coordinator of the Sierra Club's John Muir Education Team, Harold Wood, with design assistance from Sierra Club staff. To report broken links or for substantive questions, contact :

Last updated: 3 January 2025

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