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Wilderness Teaching Resources

Film and Video

  • "Wildland" - The Sierra Club presents a High Plains Film. VIDEOCASSETTE. 35 minutes. Excellent overview of current threats to wilderness, covering Alaska, California, the northern Rockies, Florida, and Maine. Available from: Sierra Club, 406 C St. NE, Washington,D.C. 20002. (202) 547-1141
  • "For Earth's Sake - the Life and times of David Brower - Bullfrog Films, 58 minutes, Color, Grade Level: 9-12, College, Adult, 1989.
  • "The Wilderness Idea - John Muir, Gifford Pinchot and the First Great Battle of Wilderness" VIDEOCASSETTE (Florentine Films, a film by Lawrence Hott & Diane Garey) (58 min., $29.95) Distributed by: Direct Cinema Ltd., P.O.Box 10003, Santa Monica, CA 90410 310-636-8200 Documentary focusing on the Hetch Hetchy battle, from historical and contemporary perspectives.
  • Film and Video about John Muir - Comprehensive listing.
  • John Muir and the Sierra Club - Educational website with video interviews of local Sierra Club members

Curriculum Materials

  • Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center

    Curriculum Materials - free

  • National Geographic Society
    To order - (800) 368-2728, or fax (301) 921-1575:

    1. Map - The United States Federal Lands and Wilderness Areas
    2. "Our National Parks," National Geographic, Oct. 1994.

  • Wilderness Information Network - Sponsored by The University of Montana Wilderness Institute, Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute, Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center, US Forest Service, US National Park Service, US Bureau of Land Management, and the US Fish and Wildlife Service.

  • Famous Wilderness Quotes

  • Wilderness - (U.S. Forest Service)

  • Washington Wild

  • U.S. Geological Survey "Outdoors America" a free map of federal recreation land in United States USGS Distribution Box 25286 Denver, CO 80225

  • Related Resources on the Internet - John Muir's Unfinished Business, Wilderness organizations, etc.

  • The Wilderness Society 900 17th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006
    • Wilderness Act Handbook (1998). This classic handbook contains a section-by-section explanation of the Wilderness Act, including the law in its entirety, with an analysis of subsequent legislation that has influenced the designation or management of wilderness. The Handbook also contains short milestone references to significant wilderness events through 1998
    • Wilderness, State by State- Information on the wilderness areas managed by the National Park Service, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the U.S. Bureau of Land Management and the National Forest Service, organized by state, year of designation, and wilderness area.


  • Abbey, Edward, Desert Solitaire Ballantine Books, 1968. - A modern classic; the iconoclast Abbey speaks eloquently - and savagely - about the meaning and value of wilderness.
  • Brower, David, ed.,The Place No One Knew Sierra Club, 1963. Eliot Porter photography combined with quotations about the value of wilderness: see especially the second part of the book, "The Idea".
  • Frome, Michael, Battle for the Wilderness - A complete history of the Wilderness Act of 1964 and ensuing campaigns to preserve wilderness. Wilderness Management
  • Hendee, John C., et al. Wilderness Management (1997) Quintessential text for managing wilderness after it is designated.
  • Leopold, Aldo, A Sand County Almanac - Written in the 1940's, a classic by one of the first persons to write popularly on the ecological perspective. His essay on "The Land Ethic" provides the foundation for modern environmental philosophy.
  • Muir, John, The Wilderness World of John Muir . Edited by Edwin Way Teale. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1954, pap. reprint. - This anthology remains the best introduction to Muir's writings about wilderness available today.
  • Nash, Roderick, Wilderness and the American Mind, (New Haven and London: Yale Univ. Press, 1982) - Essential source for the history of wilderness as an idea, political and social movement.

Articles and Magazines

  • Keating, Joseph, and Terri Anderson, "Using the Wilderness as an Outdoor Classroom for Interdisciplinary Science Learning" CSTA Journal, Fall, 1997.
  • Wilderness America, The Wilderness Society

Harold Wood, John Muir Education Project Coordinator
Environmental Education Committee
Sierra Club
P.O. Box 3543
Visalia, CA 93278

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