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Ron Good

Ron Good of Restore Hetch Hetchy, 2006
  • Founder and first President and first Executive Director of Restore Hetch Hetchy, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to restore the place John Muir called "a grand landscape garden, one of Nature's rarest and most precious mountain temples."
  • Ron was first introduced to John Muir through the book, The Wilderness World of John Muir, edited by Edwin Way Teale. Ron says, "Teale's introductory paragraphs provide the context for Muir's wonderful stories of adventure and love of the out-of-doors."
  • Ron Good holds an undergraduate degree in mathematics, a master's degree in public policy, a master's degree in education, and a law degree. He was active with the Sierra Club for over 25 years - both as a volunteer and as a staff person. Ron was the founder of Restore Hetch Hetchy, and served as its first chair from incorporation in January, 2000 until July 24, 2001 when he was hired as the Executive Director. In all his presentations advocating a win-win solution to restore Hetch Hetchy, he frequently quotes John Muir.
  • Ron says, "Muir's biggest influences on me are his incandescent spirit and his ability to pull through hardships. Most of all, I appreciate Muir's love of the out-of-doors and his ability to communicate that love through his writings."
  • Favorite John Muir quote: "Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves." -- John Muir
  • For more information about the campaign to restore Hetch Hetchy, see the home page for the campaign group, Restore Hetch Hetchy.

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