the john muir exhibit - science - erigeron muirii
john muir exhibit
(john muir education project, sierra club california)
Erigeron muirii: Muir's Fleabane
Sketch by John Muir
This daisy-like plant was named by Harvard botanist Asa Gray.
Gray classified this species from a sample sent to
him from Alaska by John Muir. Muir discovered the plant near Cape Thompson in northwestern Alaska.
Scientific Name:
Erigeron muirii
Common Name:
Muir's Fleabane
Dry, south-facing fellfields, bluffs, terraces, alluvial
fans, gravels and sandstone outcrops.
Usually in sparsely vegetated communities.
Taxonomic Comments:
A distinctive Beringian species, endemic to northern Alaska.
Nuttall, E.
E.L. Greene and E.
(Murray, 1980)
References for Erigeron muirii
Dawe, J.C., and D.F. Murray. 1981. Chromosome numbers of
selected Alaskan vascular plants. Canad. J. Bot.
Hulten, E. 1941-1950. Flora of Alaska and Yukon. 1-10. Lunds
Univ. Arsskr. N.F. Avd. 2, Vol. 37-46. 1,902 p.
Hulten, E. 1967. Comments on the flora of Alaska. Arkiv Bot.
2(7):1-47. Almqvist and Wiksell, Stockholm, Sweden.
Hulten, E. 1968. Flora of Alaska and neighboring territories.
Stanford Univ. Press, Stanford, CA. 1,008 p.
Murray, D.F. 1980. Threatened and endangered plants of
Alaska. U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management. 59 p.
Murray, D.F. and R. Lipkin. 1987. Candidate threatened and
endangered plants of Alaska with comments on other rare
plants. Univ. of Alaska Museum, Fairbanks, AK. 76 p.
Walker, D.A., P.J. Webber, N.D. Lederer, and M.D. Walker.
1987. Terrain and vegetation of the Department of Energy R4D
research site, Imnavait Creek, AK. I. Classification and
mapping. Unpubl. rep. Univ. of Colorado, Institute of Arctic
and Alpine Research, Plant Ecology Laboratory, Boulder, CO. 68 p.
Walker, D.A., E. Binnian, B.M. Evans, N.D. Lederer, E.
Nordstrand, and P.J. Webber. 1989. Terrain, vegetation and
landscape evolution of the R4D research site, Brooks Range,
Alaska. Holarct. Ecology 12(3):238-261.
Welsh, S.L. 1974. Anderson's flora of Alaska and adjacent
parts of Canada. Brigham Young Univ. Press, Provo, UT. 724 p.
Wiggins, I.L., and J.H. Thomas. 1962. A flora of the Alaskan
Arctic Slope. Arctic Inst. Special Publ. 4. Univ. of Toronto
Press, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 425 p.
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