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John Muir 1964 Commemorative Postage Stamp Poster

John Muir 1964 First Day of Issue Maximum Card
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Text of poster reads:



April 30, 1964

A 5-cent stamp in honor of the outstanding Naturalist, John Muir, will be first placed on sale at Martinez, California, on April 29, 1964.

John Muir was born in 1838 at Dunbar, Scotland. He moved with his family to Wisconsin at an early age and later attended the University of Wisconsin. Muir spent most of his adult life in California and a large part of his fame rests on his successful crusade to save California's giant redwoods. He died in 1914.

The Muir stamp, designed by Rudolph Wendelin, will measure 0.84 by 1.44 inches, arranged vertically. It will be printed on the Giori presses in brown and green, issued in panes of 50, with an initial printing of 125 million.

Collectors desiring first day cancellations may send addressed envelopes, together with remittance to cover the cost of the stamps to be affixed, to the Postmaster, Martinez, California 94553. A close-fitting enclosure of postal card thickness should be placed in each envelope and the flap either turned in or sealed. The envelope to the Postmaster should be endorsed "First Day Covers 5¢ Muir stamp." Orders for covers must not include requests for uncanceled stamps. Cover requests must be postmarked not later than April 29, 1964.

U.S. Government Printing Office - 1964 of --- 720 - 384 POST ON BULLETIN BOARD

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