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  April 2002 Features:
Antibiotic Overload
Montiel, Wiwa Highlight Human Rights Abuses
Victory for Voters
Call for Nominations
Key Contacts
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The Planet
Sierra Club Staff Key Contacts

Julia Reitan, director, Volunteer/Activist Services
Direct support for chapter/group leadership program development, conservation issues, action alerts

John Barry, managing editor, The Planet
Contact for Planet stories/ideas; assistance with printed materials

Ryan Silva, outreach coordinator
Contact for conservation campaign questions and alerts, campaign materials

Emily McFarland, Training Academy coordinator
Contact for Sierra Club Training Academy and leadership training planning and development

Liz Pallatto, Training Academy organizer
Contact for information on the Sierra Club Training Academy, registration and training questions

Lillian Miller, outreach systems/label desk manager
Manages Labels Desk, ANSEL, MUIR, other database needs, leader update process

Kimberly Williams, chapter/leader support
Contact for leader support and development, questions, leader development materials

Grainne Ferrigan, manager of licensing and membership management
Contact for Membership, Development and Fundraising materials, questions, and FRIP

Steve Griffiths, assistant director, Office of Environmental Programs
Contact for information on foundation proposals and Youth in Wilderness Project

Jenny Mahoney, manager, chapter and group education project
Contact for chapter and group reimbursements for 501(c)(3) compliance and coordinates with Foundation funds to facilitate educational and charitable activities

Membership Services:
E-mail address for all membership questions

Address Changes:
Send all individual address changes to this e-mail address

Contact for Compliance Review:
Send questions and materials for review if they are to be paid for by charitable funds (C3) to this email address

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