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Snuffing Out a New Industry | Critter: Greater Sage Grouse | Graphic: Where the Jobs Are | Gender Bender |
On the One Hand...: Ticks | Woe Is Us | Up to Speed

Where the Jobs Are

graphic, jobs, wind, solar, nuclear, dirty, energy, peter hoey
Peter and Maria Hoey

For years, the dirty energy industry has warned of massive job losses if the nation switches to clean energy. It's dead wrong. Max Wei, Shana Patadia, and Daniel Kammen of the University of California at Berkeley reviewed 15 recent studies on the job-creation potential of various energy sources and found that renewables generate more jobs per unit of energy delivered than do fossil fuels. For a calculator showing how many jobs could be created under various assumptions, see Figures shown here represent jobs per megawatt and include jobs in construction, manufacturing, installation, and maintenance. —Paul Rauber

NEXT: Gender Bender

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