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Sierra magazine
Sierra's Bike Commuting Resources

By Kyle Boelte

The humble bicycle is one of the most efficient modes of travel in the world. But that's just the beginning — it's also a helluva good time. In fact, there are few climate-changing actions you can take that are more fun than riding a bike to get around. (Okay, changing lightbulbs has its moments.) Wondering how to get started? We've brought together all the information you'll need to start bike commuting in a hurry.

Becoming a Bike Commuter, Part I: Your Bike What you need to know before picking out a commuter bike.
Becoming a Bike Commuter, Part II: Your First Day Think ahead before your first day bike commuting.
Becoming a Bike Commuter, Part III: Weather Cyclists bike in all kinds of weather. Find out how.
Becoming a Bike Commuter, Part IV: Female Cyclists Tips for female cyclists from a female cyclist.

Look Ma, No Car
Cities across the country are taking the lead in making their streets bike friendly.

Talking Bikes with Jan Gehl
Danish architect Jan Gehl is one of the preeminent urban planners in the world. Since the 1960s, he has worked to make Copenhagen a cycling- and pedestrian-friendly city. His work on "human scale" design and the importance of public spaces has lead city planners the world over to rethink the way they design.

Biking Videos

Biking in Copenhagen

Bike Boulevards
Bike boulevards make biking safer and more enjoyable for everyone.

Mr. Blumenauer Goes to New York City to Ride

The Sierra Club is committed to a clean transportation system that includes bicycles. Learn more about what we're fighting for at Sierra Club Green Transportation.



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