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Sierra magazine
Slideshow | Escape from L.A., Take 2: Graffiti Gone Bad

It's one thing to sully an old building with graffiti. But trees? A creek bed? Come on, people -- show Mother Nature some respect, please. These revolting tags were found in early April along a one-mile stretch of the East Fork of the San Gabriel River, in the Angeles National Forest. "It was the worst I’ve ever seen," said avid fisherman and photographer Darrell Kunitomi, who's been hiking and fishing the region for 30 years and who is interviewed in "Above the City of Angels." I shot mostly tagging, but there was also much trash streamside. I see it all the time, and I lug as much as I can off. These photos show only a small a part of the problem up there. Just one mile."

Photos courtesy of Darrell Kunitomi



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